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Class 3

Mrs Pask and Mrs Gall share the teaching of Class 3 and are privileged to have the full-time support of Mrs Bean, as the Teaching Assistant. Mrs Gambino and Miss Stokes support various children in the class too. The Class comprises of Year 3 and Year 4 pupils, with a current total of 30 children.The children of Class 3 are taught in a purposefully built, well-resourced and spacious classroom, situated in the middle of the ‘new build’. With easy access to the Hall, the school playground and playing-field, it is ideally positioned at the heart of the school.

Rocks and Fossils -Term 2

This term in Science we have been learning about Rocks.

We carried out a variety of activities to help us group rocks based on their properties. We had to investigate the durability, density and permeability of a selection of rocks.



Stone Age Art - Term 1

This term we have been learning about the Stone Age.

In Art, we have learnt about prehistoric cave art and how it was used as a method of communication. We have practised drawing in the same style as Stone Age people and mixing natural products to create earthy colours.

The children have enjoyed creating a textured 'cave wall' and painting a picture of a native animal using simple designs and colours. Can you guess what animals we have drawn?

We finished the term with some collaborative artwork, where the children made 'positive' and 'negative' handprints on a cave wall.






World Mental Health Day - Mental Health At Work

World Mental Health Day

We have had a great day thinking about how we can look after our mental health. 

First, we watched a short film, which explained what is happening in our brains when we feel strong emotions. We found out what happens in our brains when these emotions take over and we ‘flip our lids’. Then, we carried out various practical exercises, such as conscious breathing, baking and exercise, to help 'get our lids back on' so that we can connect with our thinking brain and make sensible decisions. 

You know the class have had a great day when they greet you on the playground with a massive round of applause and great big smiles!