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Ofsted and Performance Data


Click here for our most recent Ofsted report

Click here to see the DfE school performance website

All children in Year 6 take national assessment tests, known as SATs, in May each year.  These results are published by schools, together with the national results for comparison.

Results used to be published by the government in ‘league tables’, but this was halted during and after the pandemic because of the impact that Covid had on schools’ results.

At Hoath, we are hugely proud of the achievements of our children and are very happy to publish their results for you. 

It is important to note the number of children in each cohort as this can create a misleading set of figures. For example, a cohort of 12 children would mean each child would represent 8.33%, 13 children would mean each child represents 7.67%. Currently, most year groups have 15 year children.