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School Council

The school council meet every Thursday lunchtime with Mrs Phillipson. There are 2 representatives from every class with a few extra elected Key Stage 2 children to support the development of the school.

The council have written their own action plan which they work on every week.

Here are our council with a few words:

M: nature is beautiful and we encourage it in our school. (Year 1 member)

F: I love being in the school council because I can help the school using my seven years' knowledge of it. 

J: I like being school council because I can make a difference and I, especially, like to help others. 

G: I like being school council because I like making a difference by making everyone happy. I love making changes that don't only benefit me but benefit others as well. 

A: I like being school council because I can raise money for the school and make it a better place. 

O: I like being the school council because I like to help people by always having a positive attitude to helping others. 

N: I like being school council because I enjoy helping the school so it can be a better place. 

M: My name is Millie and I like being helpful and kind. 

A: Hi. My name is Andrew and I am a proud member of the school council. When I started in year R, I looked up to the school council and I have wanted to be a member ever since. 

J: My name is Jonathan and I like to be on the school council because we all work together to make the school a better place. 

J: I love being school council because I can help the children in the school and all the teachers. 

R: I'm Raven and I like being school council because we can help and take care of everyone. 

A: My name is Abigail and I like being school council because we like to help.

O: I am Oli and I like being school council because I want to change the school for the better, as it has a lot of potential to be a happy and an exotic place.