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Late and Absence Procedures

Whenever a child is absent, and there has been no explanation from home, this will be noted in the class register.  If a child is going to be absent a telephone call/email to the school before 8.50 a.m. would be appreciated, otherwise the Secretary will ring home.  A letter for our records explaining the child’s absence is required when he/she returns to school even though a telephone call has been made.

At times of minor ailments a child may be excused physical education and games, and, if necessary, remain indoors during playtimes if a note has been sent to school requesting this. 

It is important to note that, unless for certain family circumstances, permission for absence during the school year will not be granted. This is due to the school being responsible for maintaining a low percentage of absence throughout the year. Annual holidays will be marked as unauthorised and could lead to the Educational Welfare Officer contacting a family should the percentage of unauthorised absences get too high.

Regular attendance in school is the shared responsibility of parents, school and the LEA.  When a child has a medical appointment and will be out of school for a short period of time, a pupil pass is given to the parent/carer to authorize the absence.  We work closely with parents to ensure that there are few, if any, unauthorised absences.