Pupil Premium
At Hoath Primary School, we ensure that all opportunities for teaching and learning meet the needs of all pupils in school, including pupils deemed as vulnerable or socially disadvantaged.
Pupil Premium Funding (PPF) is allocated to schools according to the number of pupils who receive free school meals, children in care (6 months or more) and children of service personnel.
At Hoath, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals are socially disadvantaged and that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. For these reasons, we allocate some of our Pupil Premium Funding to support pupils identified, using school data, as being socially disadvantaged. We monitor the impact of provision through our school tracking system of individual’s progress throughout the year.
Through our tracking systems, progress meetings and regular monitoring our main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils for PPF include the following:-
Poor reading and phonics skills, when compared with their peers and age-appropriate expectations.
Lower levels of attendance when compared to children who are not eligible for PPF.
Limited access to extended learning opportunities beyond the family home and local amenities.
We review our spending priorities every year and try to work closely with parents to make sure the allocation of funding is helping the child.
To view our schools official Pupil Premium Strategic Plan click on the link below.