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Admission to Primary School September 2025

All children start school in the September of the school year in which they are five.  If you are considering choosing Hoath Primary School for your child please come and visit us – we would be delighted to show you around, tell you about our school and answer any questions you may have.  There are 15 places for new entrants each year.  

The admissions process for Entry to Year R September 2025 is co-ordinated by Kent County Council. Applications can be made by following the easy steps found on Admissions Primary on KCC Primary School Places

Thank you.

In Year Admissions

If you are looking for a school place, please contact the school office to find out if there are any places available.

Please use the link for further information regarding the process you will need to follow to achieve a place at our school KCC Primary School Places

If you should have any difficulties further advice on available places in schools can be gained from Kent County Council Admissions and Transport Department, Tel: 0300 333 6472.

Places are allocated by the Local Authority according to the school’s admission criteria, as follows:

  • Children in Local Authority Care 
  • Current Family Association – the child has a sibling at Hoath Primary School at the time of entry.
  • Health and Special Access reasons
  • Nearness of children’s homes

You can register your interest in the school by contacting the school office where contact details will be taken and kept on file. Registering an interest does not give your child priority when places are allocated by the Local Authority.

In November a copy of the Admission to Primary School Booklet and the Primary Common Application Form can be collected from the school during normal school hours. These are also available online at admissions.  The completed form needs to be submitted to the Local Authority by January.

By early April parents will be informed by the Local Authority which school their child has been allocated.

Occasionally the school has vacancies in other year groups.  Parents who are interested should apply directly to the school.  For a copy of the In Year Application Form please click here.